PerXL's Insight Hub

Empower Your

Unlock real-time insights and
seamless collaboration with your PerXL dashboard

Instant Project Status Overview

Effortlessly Monitor Your Project's Progress

Stay updated on your project's progress with PerXL's intuitive dashboard. Instantly access key metrics like milestone achievements, resource allocation, and task completion. Identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and make informed decisions swiftly for project success.

Real-Time Updates

Stay informed with instant project status updates, including progress tracking and resource allocation.

Comprehensive Visibility

Get a quick overview of key project metrics to make informed decisions and spot potential issues.

Project Health Overview

Gain Insights into Project Performance Metrics

Explore a comprehensive summary of project health metrics, providing key indicators such as total projects, and overall health of projects across workspaces, spaces, and sections. Analyze project engagement and productivity levels at every level of your organization's hierarchy, facilitating informed decision-making and optimization for enhanced project success

Comprehensive Project Health Monitoring

Access project vitality across workspaces and sections, aligning with strategic goals for continual enhancement.

Targeted Delay Analysis

Identify individual contributions and task durations with precision, streamlining project execution for optimal results.

Tasks Performance

Access to Task-Related Metrics for Optimal Project Health

Gain insights into task-related metrics crucial for project health, including task completion rates, task scores, and the number of overdue tasks across workspaces, spaces, and sections. Track the efficiency of task management processes and identify areas for improvement to ensure project success and timely delivery.

Informed Decision-Making

Access comprehensive task-related metrics to make informed decisions, including task completion rates, scores, and overdue tasks across various project segments.

Continuous Improvement

Track task management efficiency and identify improvement opportunities, fostering a culture of continual enhancement to ensure timely project delivery.

PerXL's Insight Hub

Empower Your

Unlock real-time insights and
seamless collaboration with your PerXL dashboard

Instant Project Status Overview

Effortlessly Monitor Your Project's Progress


Stay updated on your project's progress with PerXL's intuitive dashboard. Instantly access key metrics like milestone achievements, resource allocation, and task completion. Identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and make informed decisions swiftly for project success.

Real-Time Updates

Stay informed with instant project status updates, including progress tracking and resource allocation.

Comprehensive Visibility

Get a quick overview of key project metrics to make informed decisions and spot potential issues.

Project Health Overview

Gain Insights into Project Performance Metrics


Explore a comprehensive summary of project health metrics, providing key indicators such as total projects, and overall health of projects across workspaces, spaces, and sections. Analyze project engagement and productivity levels at every level of your organization's hierarchy, facilitating informed decision-making and optimization for enhanced project success

Comprehensive Project Health Monitoring

Access project vitality across workspaces and sections, aligning with strategic goals for continual enhancement.

Targeted Delay Analysis

Identify individual contributions and task durations with precision, streamlining project execution for optimal results.

Tasks Performance

Access to Task-Related Metrics for Optimal Project Health


Gain insights into task-related metrics crucial for project health, including task completion rates, task scores, and the number of overdue tasks across workspaces, spaces, and sections. Track the efficiency of task management processes and identify areas for improvement to ensure project success and timely delivery.

Informed Decision-Making

Access comprehensive task-related metrics to make informed decisions, including task completion rates, scores, and overdue tasks across various project segments.

Continuous Improvement

Track task management efficiency and identify improvement opportunities, fostering a culture of continual enhancement to ensure timely project delivery.