Code Contribution Analytics


Gain comprehensive visibility into code contributors and
their impact on projects. Track contributions, measure
effectiveness, and optimize collaboration for project success.

PerXL seamlessly integrates with popular code repositories,
offering comprehensive metrics and insights to enhance your development processes

Unlock the Power of Integration

Seamlessly Connect Repositories for Real-time Insights

Connect your repositories with ease and access a wealth of data for informed decision-making. Our platform integrates seamlessly with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, providing a unified solution for managing your code contributors.

Comprehensive Metrics

Visualize Key Data Points for Informed Decision-making

Gain deep insights into your code contributions with our comprehensive set of metrics. Track lines of code, commit frequency, contributor activity, and more in real-time. Our intuitive visualizations make it easy to identify trends and monitor progress effortlessly.

Code Contribution Analytics


Gain comprehensive visibility into code contributors and their impact on projects. Track contributions, measure effectiveness, and optimize collaboration for project success.

PerXL seamlessly integrates with popular code repositories,
offering comprehensive metrics and insights to enhance your development processes

Unlock the Power of Integration

Seamlessly Connect Repositories for Real-time Insights


Connect your repositories with ease and access a wealth of data for informed decision-making. Our platform integrates seamlessly with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, providing a unified solution for managing your code contributors.

Comprehensive Metrics

Visualize Key Data Points for Informed Decision-making


Gain deep insights into your code contributions with our comprehensive set of metrics. Track lines of code, commit frequency, contributor activity, and more in real-time. Our intuitive visualizations make it easy to identify trends and monitor progress effortlessly.

Ready to streamline your development workflow?
Sign up for a free trial and experience the difference PerXL can make in your projects.
Empower your team, streamline your processes, and unlock new levels of efficiency today!