Project Health

Monitor and

Gain insights into your project's well-being
with our Project Health Dashboard. Track key metrics,
identify risks, and optimize performance for
successful project outcomes.

Project Health

Gain Insights into Project Progress

Explore a comprehensive summary of project health metrics, providing key indicators such as total projects, and overall health of projects across workspaces, spaces, and sections. Analyze project engagement and productivity levels at every level of your organization's hierarchy, facilitating informed decision-making and optimization for enhanced project success

Comprehensive Project Health Monitoring

Access project vitality across workspaces and sections, aligning with strategic goals for continual enhancement.

Targeted Delay Analysis

Identify individual contributions and task durations with precision, streamlining project execution for optimal results.

Real-time Insights

Empower Informed Decision-Making with PerXL

Delve into PerXL's real-time analytics and trend tracking capabilities, empowering proactive decision-making. Utilize timely data insights to recognize emerging trends and propel project success.

Productivity Trends

User Engagement Trends

Project Health Trends

Project Health

Monitor and

Gain insights into your project's well-being with our Project Health Dashboard. Track key metrics, identify risks, and optimize performance for successful project outcomes.

Project Health

Gain Insights into Project Progress


Explore a comprehensive summary of project health metrics, providing key indicators such as total projects, and overall health of projects across workspaces, spaces, and sections. Analyze project engagement and productivity levels at every level of your organization's hierarchy, facilitating informed decision-making and optimization for enhanced project success

Comprehensive Project Health Monitoring

Access project vitality across workspaces and sections, aligning with strategic goals for continual enhancement.

Targeted Delay Analysis

Identify individual contributions and task durations with precision, streamlining project execution for optimal results.

Real-time Insights

Empower Informed Decision-Making with PerXL


Delve into PerXL's real-time analytics and trend tracking capabilities, empowering proactive decision-making. Utilize timely data insights to recognize emerging trends and propel project success.

Productivity Trends

User Engagement Trends

Project Health Trends